Everybody has a story to tell – but not all of us have the time or skill to be writers. This does not mean that our stories should go untold. If you have a story but don’t think you will ever get around to it or doubt that you have the ability, hiring a ghostwriter is the solution you need. It is the perfect way to ensure that the tale you have been contemplating for so long finally gets told. But what is ghostwriting, and how does it work?


What a Ghostwriter Does

If you choose to work with a ghostwriter, you are essentially hiring a professional writer to create your book for you, on your behalf, without credit. The writer does not get an author credit or by-line. It is your name that appears on the cover. The writer commits to the project as a professional service provider. Instead of credit, the writer is paid for the service. Payment can either be in the form of a fee, or a share of profits from the sale of the work (the first scenario is the most typical). A combination of these two models is also not unusual.


Some people who want to tell their personal stories often hesitate to consider ghostwriters. “After all,” they ask, “how can someone else write my story?” That is one of the ghostwriter’s most important tools. Your ghostwriter must gather the necessary information to write your book, but must also “become your voice” as far as possible. In the hands of a good writer, the finished project will reflect both your ideas and your way of expressing them.


Why Work with a Ghostwriter?

There are several reasons why individuals and businesses choose to work with ghostwriters. The most common and important ones are:


  • You have knowledge to share, but you are not a writer. If you are a professional in a particular field, possessing a strong store of niche expert knowledge, there are many advantages, both financially and professionally, to getting a book out there. However, you may not have the ability to write well. A ghostwriter can use the notes and outlines you provide, together with interviews and other research, to commit your knowledge to the written word.
  • You don’t have time to write: Maybe you are already a recognised name in your niche, and you do have the ability to write, but your schedule has become so full that sitting down to write is simply out of the question. Many writers, bloggers, and online marketing pros have found themselves in this position and often make use of ghostwriting services to help them generate content while they are busy with their many other tasks.
  • You need to create high volumes of content and don’t have enough capacity: It is not only would-be book authors who use ghostwriting. Almost every company has a blog or publishes enormous volumes of marketing and promotional content. Ghostwriters are ideal for generating these heavy volumes of branding content.


How Does the Process Work?

There really is no single method to completing a ghostwritten content project. It comes down to the ghostwriter and the client agreeing on a process that works for both of them. At the end of the day, the important thing is that the pages get written and the project is completed so that you, the client, can hold copies of your book in your hands after a few months. It doesn’t take long for the writer and client to settle on a good workflow, with ongoing rapport, productivity and quality being the key priorities.

The duration of the process is up to the client and the writer. You may decide you need your book in six months, or you might be prepared to wait for longer. That depends on your publishing goals. Also bear in mind that, if the ghostwriter has to do a lot of preparation for the book, such as research and interviews, you will need to factor in the extra time needed. Rates can differ from project to project. Most ghostwriters will ask for a specific fee – it could be a per-word rate or a flat rate per project.

What is Ghostwriting for Corporates

Remember that books are not only for individuals – companies also have stories to tell! A book that can get your company’s story out into the world is an excellent marketing investment. Perhaps you want to commemorate the anniversary of your business’s founding, tell the world about your contributions to your industry, or highlight your CSI initiatives.

What better way to do that than with a book that you can gift to your clients, or that a commercial publisher can send to the shelves of bookstores around the country – or even the world? Your book will stand as a lasting testament to your company’s achievements. It could even spark discussion that brings your brand into the public space for further PR and marketing opportunities. When promoting your brand and reaching out to new markets, never underestimate the power of a good book! For a lower fee than most companies might pay a middle manager, a professional writer can create that book for you. Who knows, it may even become a bestseller.

Hopefully this answers the question, “What is ghostwriting?” We will tell you more about ghostwriting and how it works in upcoming posts. If you have a story to tell and you need a ghostwriter to help you tell it, contact WC Global Publishing today.